Some things you should get in preparation for Y2K

There are quite a few lists of preparations suggested to get ready for the possible loss of a lot of services that we take for granted. One of the best I've seen is here.

However, you can get started with a lot less than that list recommends. The most urgent requirements for anyone living without normal utility services is clean water. Luckily, this is easily remedied if you have any source of non-salty water, even a scummy pond or stream that you wouldn't ordinarily drink out of. What you need to clean the water up is a British Berkefeld water filter, which has been used by missionaries to remote places for many years.

Another item we take for granted is electric light. If the power grid becomes unreliable or even inaccessible after January 1st, you'll still want to be able to turn a light on whenever you want. Of course, a full alternative power system is a major undertaking that is out of the reach of most people, but you can ensure emergency lighting to prevent total darkness. One way to do this is with a Photon Micro-Light. I'm quite impressed with the amount of light these little flashlights put out.
Unfortunately, they have two drawbacks. First, they are fairly expensive (in the $20 range). Second, I think you have to take their battery life expectancy with a major grain of salt: I have a green one whose battery is supposed to last for about 200 hours of continuous use or perhaps twice that if used intermittently so that the battery has a chance to rest. I used mine for at most 4 or 5 hours, and it started flickering. I sent it in for repair, thinking the switch was defective, and was told that the battery was almost dead. Either I got a bad battery in the first place, or their life expectancy claim is very overblown. However, they did replace the battery for me without charge, so I can testify that their customer service is good. Unfortunately, this may not do you much good next year, if things are as bad as I think they will be, as you won't be able to return it for repair.
In any event, I think you should still get one or more of these handy little flashlights; just don't count on that 200 hour figure. This also means that you should get some extra batteries, which you can get from the same people who sell you the lights.

One more item you'll want to get is Give Me Immortality Or Give Me Death, by the Firesign Theater. This is their first all-new album in 15 years, and it's about Y2K. Hilarious!

I'll add more items to this page as I find them and have the time to update the page. If you have any specific questions about preparations, you can ask them on my Y2K discussion group.

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