Installation notes for Who's Afraid of C++?

There are some problems with the printed instructions for setting up the compiler in the first three printings of Who's Afraid of C++?.

If you have enough hard disk space, you should install to the hard disk, as the compiler will run considerably faster that way. Otherwise, you can install it to run from the CD-ROM. To set it up either way, follow the appropriate instructions in the new "readme.txt" file. Click here to read this new file.

Then go to the file "" by clicking here. Save this as "mknorm.bat" on your machine and use it to replace the "mknorm.bat" program in the "whos\code" directory.

Make sure that the lines at the end of your "autoexec.bat" or DOS session startup file look as follows, except possibly for the drive letter at the end of the line defining "djgpprun". That letter should be the drive letter of the CD if you want to run the compiler from the CD; it should be the drive letter of the hard disk where you have copied the compiler if you want to run the compiler from the hard disk.

set djgpptmp=c:
set djgpprun=c:
set DJGPP=%djgpprun%\DJGPP\DJGPP.ENV
set PATH=%djgpprun%\DJGPP\BIN;%PATH%
call setdjgpp %djgpprun%\djgpp %djgpprun%/djgpp

Assuming that the compiler and example programs are installed correctly on drive C:, when you compile the itemtst1 program as suggested in the readme.txt file, you will see the following output on your screen:

C:\WHOS\NORMAL>cd ..\code

C:\WHOS\CODE>call mknorm itemtst1

C:\WHOS\CODE>gcc -o itemtst1.o -c -I. -g -pedantic-errors -Wparentheses


C:\WHOS\CODE>cd ..\normal


Finally, if you see a lot of error messages when you're compiling the test program, you might want to look at the experiences and solutions of Jim Hill, a reader who has had a similar problem. Of course, I can't guarantee that this will solve your problem, but it can't hurt to click here to read this page.

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