Installation notes for The C++ Training Guide

You may have a problem with the printed instructions for setting up the compiler.

There is a file missing from some copies of the CD-ROM, which makes it impossible to install the compiler to run from the CD-ROM. This file is "djgpp.lnk" in the "\djgpp\lib" directory on the CD-ROM. If your copy of the CD-ROM has this file, you do not have this problem. In that case, just follow the directions on the "readme.txt" file on the CD-ROM.

If "djgpp.lnk" is missing from your CD-ROM, you can still install the compiler on your hard disk. To do this,, follow the appropriate instructions in the new "readme.txt" file. Click here to read this new file.

Then go to the file "" by clicking here. Save this as "mknorm.bat" on your machine and use it to replace the "mknorm.bat" program in the "whos\code" directory.

You will also need to download the file "djgpp.lnk", which was omitted from the CD-ROM. Click here to view this file. Then save it in the "djgpp\lib" directory.

Finally, make sure that the lines at the end of your "autoexec.bat" or DOS session startup file look as follows (except possibly for the drive letter at the end of the line defining "djgpprun", which should be the drive letter of the hard disk where you installed the compiler).

set djgpptmp=c:
set djgpprun=c:
set DJGPP=%djgpprun%\DJGPP\DJGPP.ENV
set PATH=%djgpprun%\DJGPP\BIN;%PATH%
setdjgpp %djgpprun%\djgpp %djgpprun%/djgpp

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