Prologue from Introduction to C++

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         Introduction to C++: Chapter 1


Introduction to Programming

"Begin at the beginning,  and  go  on  till you
come to the end:  then  stop."   This method of
telling a story is as good today as it was when
the King of Hearts prescribed it  to  the White
Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland. In this book, we
must begin with you, the reader,  since  my job
is to explain a technical  subject  to  you. It
might appear that I'm at a severe disadvantage;
after all, I've never met you.
  Nevertheless, I  can  make  some  pretty good
guesses  about you. You almost certainly own  a
computer and know how to  use  its  most common
application,  word  processing.  If you use the
computer in business, you probably also have an
acquaintance with spreadsheets and perhaps some
database  experience  as  well.  Now  you  have
decided to learn how  to  program  the computer
yourself  rather  than  relying  completely  on
programs written by  others. On the other hand,
you might be a student  using  this  book  as a
text in an introductory course  on programming.
In that case, you'll be happy to know that this
book isn't written  in the dry, overly academic
style employed by many textbook writers. I hope
that you will enjoy  reading  it  as much as my
"test readers" have.
  Whether you are using this book  on  your own
or in school, there are  many  good  reasons to
learn how to program. You  may  have  a problem
that hasn't been solved by commercial software;
you  may  want a better  understanding  of  how
commercial programs function so you  can figure
out how to get  around  their  shortcomings and
peculiarities; or perhaps  you're  just curious
about  how  computers perform  their  seemingly
magical  feats. Whatever the initial reason,  I
hope you come  to appreciate the great creative
possibilities opened up by this most ubiquitous
of modern inventions.
  If you already know how to program in another
language and are  using this book to learn  how
to program in C++, you'll have a head  start; I
hope that you'll learn enough to make it  worth 
your while  to wade  through some material  you
already know. In any event, before we begin, we
should agree on definitions for some fundamental
words in the computing field.
  Many of the technical words used in this book
are in the Glossary at  the end of the book; it
is also very helpful to have  a  good technical
dictionary of computer terms, as well as a good 
general dictionary of English.
  Of course, you may not  be  able  to remember
all  of  these  technical definitions the first
time  through.  If  you  can't recall the exact
meaning of one of these terms, just look up the
word or phrase in the index; it will direct you
to the page where the definition is stated. You
could also look  in  the Glossary at the end of
the book, which lists  key  technical  terms in
alphabetical order.
  To give you some idea of what to expect while
you're reading,  I  have  provided  a  list  of
objectives at  the  beginning  of  each chapter
after  this  one.  For  the moment, let's start
with definitions of some programming terms.


Hardware refers to the physical components of a
computer,  the ones  you  can  touch.  Examples
include  the  keyboard,  the  monitor,  and the

Software  refers  to  the  other,   nonphysical
components  of a computer, the ones you  cannot
touch. If you can install it on your hard disk,
it's software. Examples include a  spreadsheet,
a word processor, and a database program.

An  algorithm  is a set  of  precisely  defined
steps to calculate an answer  to  a  problem or
set of problems,  which is guaranteed to arrive
at such an  answer eventually. As this implies,
a set of steps that might never end  is  not an

Programming  is the art and science of  solving
problems by the following procedure:

1.  Find  or  invent a general  solution  to  a
    class of problems.
2.  Express  this  solution  as an algorithm or
    set of algorithms.
3.  Translate  the  algorithm(s)  into terms so
    simple   that  a  stupid  machine  like   a
    computer  can follow them to calculate  the
    specific answer for any specific problem in
    the class.

An  application  program  is  a   program  that
actually    accomplishes    some    useful   or
interesting  task.  Examples  include inventory
control, payroll, and game programs.

Data  are  the  pieces  of information that are
operated on by programs. The singular of "data"
is   "datum";  however,  the  word  "data"   is
commonly used as both singular and plural.

Source code is a program in a form suitable for
reading and writing by a human being.

An  executable program (or just an  executable,
for short)  is a program in a form suitable for
running on a computer.

Object code is a program in a form suitable for
incorporation into an executable program.

Compilation  is  the  process  of   translating
source code into object code. Almost all of the
software  on your computer was created by  this

A  compiler   is   a   program   that  performs
compilation as defined above.

Compile  time  means  "while  the  compiler  is
compiling the source code of a program".

How to Write a Program

Now  you  have  a  definition  of  programming.
Unfortunately, however, this  doesn't  tell you
how to write a program. The process  of solving
a  problem by programming in C++ follows  these

Problem:   After discussions  between  the user
           and the  programmer,  the programmer
           defines the problem precisely.
Algorithms:The  programmer  finds   or  creates
           algorithms  that   will   solve  the
C++:       The   programmer  implements   these
           algorithms as source code in C++.
Executable:The   programmer   runs    the   C++
           compiler,  which  must   already  be
           present on the programmer's machine,
           to translate the source code into an
           executable program.
Hardware:  The   user   runs    the   resulting
           executable program on a computer.

  These steps advance from the most abstract to
the   most   concrete,   which   is   perfectly
appropriate for an experienced C++  programmer.
However, if you're using this book to learn how
to  program  in C++, obviously  you're  not  an
experienced  C++ programmer, so before you  can
follow this path to  solving  a  problem you're
going to need a  fairly  thorough  grounding in
all of these steps. It's not really feasible to
discuss each step exhaustively before  going to
the next one,  so I've created  a  little "step
indicator", which you'll see  on  each  page of
the text, with  the currently active step shown
in bold.  For  example,  when  we're discussing
algorithms,   the   indicator    will   display
Algorithms in bold.
  The  five steps of this indicator  correspond
to the  five  steps  in  problem  solving  just
defined. I hope this device will make it easier
for  you to follow the sometimes tortuous  path
to programming knowledge.
  The  steps   for   solving   a   problem  via
programming  might  sound  reasonable  in   the
abstract, but that doesn't  mean  that  you can
follow them easily  without  practice. Assuming
that you already have  a  pretty  good  idea of
what the  problem  is  that  you're  trying  to
solve, the Algorithms step is likely to  be the
biggest stumbling block. Therefore, it might be
very helpful to go into that step in a bit more

Baby Steps

If  we already  understand  the  problem  we're
going to  solve, the next step is to figure out
a plan of attack, which we will then break down
into small enough steps to be expressed in C++.
This  is  called  stepwise refinement, since we
start  out with a "coarse" solution and  refine
it until the steps are within the capability of
the  C++ language. For a complex problem,  this
may take several intermediate steps,  but let's
start out with a simple  example.  Say  that we
want to  know how much older one person is than
another.  We might  start  with  the  following
general outline:

1.  Get ages from user.
2.  Calculate difference of ages.
3.  Print the result.

This can in  turn  be  broken  down  further as

1.  Get ages from user.
    a.  Ask user for first age.
    b.  Ask user for second age.
2.  Subtract second age from first age.
3.  Print result.

This looks  okay,  except  that  if  the  first
person is younger than the second one, then the
result   will  be   negative.   That   may   be
acceptable. If so, we're just about done, since
these  steps  are   simple  enough  for  us  to
translate  them  into   C++   fairly  directly.
Otherwise, we'll have  to modify our program to
do  something different depending on which  age
is higher. For example,

1.  Get ages from user.
    a.  Ask user for first age.
    b.  Ask user for second age.
2.  Compute difference of ages.
    a.  If  first  age  is greater than second,
        subtract second age from first age.
    b.  Otherwise,  subtract  first   age  from
        second age.
3.  Print result.

  You've  probably noticed that this is a  much
more detailed description than would  be needed
to  tell a human being what  you  want  to  do.
That's because the computer is extremely stupid
and literal: it  does  only what you tell it to
do,  not  what  you  meant  to tell it  to  do.
Unfortunately, it's very easy to get one of the
steps  wrong, especially in a complex  program.
In that case, the  computer  will  do something
ridiculous, and you'll  have to figure out what
you  did  wrong.  This  "debugging",   as  it's
called,   is  one  of  the  hardest  parts   of
programming.  Actually,  it  shouldn't  be  too
difficult  to understand why that is the  case.
After all, you're  looking for a mistake you've
made  yourself.  If  you  knew exactly what you
were doing, you  wouldn't have made the mistake
in the first place.
  I hope that this  brief  discussion  has made
the  process  of  programming  a   little  less
mysterious.   In   the   final  analysis,  it's
basically just logical thinking.

On with the Show

Now  that  you  have  some idea how programming
works,  it's  time   to  see  exactly  how  the
computer  actually  performs  the  steps  in  a
program, which is the topic of Chapter 2.


1. This   description   is   actually   a   bit
   oversimplified. We'll  examine  another step
   in  the  process  of  making  an  executable
   program, called linking, in a later chapter.

2. The steps don't actually  occur  in  such an
   exact progression anyway. In real  life most
   programs  are  written  in  an   incremental
   process  as  assumptions  are  changed   and
   errors are found and corrected.

3. Of course, the word just in this sentence is
   a  bit  misleading;  taking logical thinking
   for granted is a sure recipe for trouble.

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